邵明 教授,博士&硕士生导师
电 话:13853136468
Research gate 个人网页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ming_Shao8
起止时间 毕业院校 专业
博士 2005.9-2010.7 beat365体育官方网站 发育生物学
本科 2001.9-2005.7 beat365体育官方网站 生物科学
2010.10-2011.10 Sorbonne Université, IBPS-Developmental Biology Laboratory博士后
2010.7-2018.9 beat365体育官方网站 讲师
2018.7 入选beat365体育官方网站青年学者未来计划
2018.9-2019.12 beat365体育官方网站 副教授
2020.1-2022.12 beat365体育官方网站齐鲁青年学者特聘教授
2023.1至今 beat365体育官方网站杰出中青年学者(第一层次)
1. 发现母源因子调控早期胚胎发育的系列新机制。发现植物极定位的新母源转录物vrtn,阐明其在背腹轴形成过程中的功能(Development, 2017)。我们还发现母源蛋白Lurap1通过结合Dvl来抑制Wnt/PCP通路,从而控制细胞极性和定向迁移(Nat Commun, 2017)。尤其重要的是,本课题组发现Wnt信号通路脚手架蛋白Dvl并未参与母源Wnt/β-catenin信号通路的激活和背部组织者的诱导(PLoS Genet, 2018),该工作挑战了教科书中Dvl和Wnt配体是“背部决定因子”的观点,深化了人们对胚轴形成和细胞定向运动分子机制的认识。
2. 建立快速获取母源突变体的遗传学策略。本课题组首次利用镶嵌体(mosaic)策略获得dvl2和dvl3a的双母源合子突变体(PLoS Genet, 2018);建立了卵母细胞快速条件性敲除技术,可实现一个世代获取母源突变体,同时证明该方法可高效产生大片段基因组序列的删除(Science Advances, 2021)。这些技术绕开了合子突变致死的障碍,大大加速了研究母源因子功能的过程。
3. 揭示了细胞分化过程中的关键转录后调控分子机制。本课题组发现RNA结合蛋白Rbm24a可能是胞质多腺苷酸化(CPA)复合物的新成员,特异表达于晶状体纤维细胞来增强mRNA的稳定性和翻译效率,抑制白内障的发生(PNAS, 2020)。该工作对晶体蛋白mRNA在晶状体中高效翻译的现象首次做出了解释。
1. 2022.1-2025.15 生殖质新成分Rbm24a在斑马鱼原生殖细胞分化中功能和作用机制的研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目
2. 2019.1-2022.12 植物极定位转录因子Vrtn在斑马鱼和小鼠早期胚胎发育中功能的比较研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目
3. 2011.8-2014.12 唐氏综合征关键区第三基因在斑马鱼胚胎早期发育中的功能研究 国家自然基金青年项目
4. 2010.12-2012.12 唐氏综合征关键区第三蛋白(Dscr3)调控早期胚胎图式发生的机理研究 博士后基金面上
5. 2017.08-2019.12 植物极富集基因lef1在斑马鱼背腹轴形成中功能的研究 山东省自然科学基金 山东省博士基金
1. 中国动物学会斑马鱼分会委员,2021年7月
2. 中国实验动物学会水生实验动物专业委员会委员,2019年12月
3. 山东省动物学会理事,2019年11月
Zhang, C.1, Lu, T., Zhang, Y., Li, J., Tarique, I., Wen, F., Chen, A., Wang, J., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y., Shi, D.-L., Shao, M.# (2021) Rapid generation of maternal mutants via oocyte transgenic expression of CRISPR-Cas9 and sgRNAs in zebrafish. Sci. Adv. 7, eabg4243 (2021).
Shao, M.1#, Lu, T., Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., Kong, S., Shi, D.# (2020) Rbm24 controls poly(A) tail length and translation efficiency of crystallin mRNAs in the lens via cytoplasmic polyadenylation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 117(13):7245-7254.
Cheng, X.1, Shao, M.1, Li, J.1, Wang, Y., Qi, J., Xu, Z.#, Shi D.# (2017) Leucine repeat adaptor protein 1 interacts with Dishevelled to regulate gastrulation cell movements in zebrafish. Nat Commun. 8(1):1353.
Xing, Y.1, Cheng, X., Li, Y., Zhang, C., Saquet, A., Liu, Y., Shao, M.#, Shi D.# (2018) Mutational analysis of dishevelled genes in zebrafish reveals distinct functions in embryonic patterning and gastrulation cell movements. PLoS Genet. 14(8):e1007551.
Shao, M.1, Wang, M., Liu, Y., Ge, Y., Zhang, Y., Shi, D.# (2017) Vegetally localised Vrtn functions as a novel repressor to modulate bmp2b transcription during dorsoventral patterning in zebrafish. Development. 144(18):3361-3374.
Shao, M.1, Liu, Z. Z., Wang, C. D., Li, H. Y., Carron, C., Zhang, H. W.#, & Shi, D. L.# (2009). Down syndrome critical region protein 5 regulates membrane localization of Wnt receptors, Dishevelled stability and convergent extension in vertebrate embryos. Development, 136(12), 2121-2131.
Sun, Y.1, Zhang, B., Luo, L., Shi, DL., Wang, H., Cui, Z., Huang, H., Cao, Y., Shu, X., Zhang, W., Zhou, J., Li, Y., Du, J., Zhao, Q., Chen, J., Zhong, H., Zhong, TP., Li, L., Xiong, JW., Peng, J., Xiao, W., Zhang, J., Yao, J., Yin, Z., Mo, X., Peng, G., Zhu, J., Chen, Y., Zhou, Y., Liu, D., Pan, W., Zhang, Y., Ruan, H., Liu, F.#, Zhu, Z.#, Meng, A.#; ZAKOC Consortium. (2020) Systematic genome editing of the genes on zebrafish Chromosome 1 by CRISPR/Cas9. Genome Res. 30(1):118–126. (Shao, M. is included in ZAKOC Consortium authors)
Li, Y.1, Cheng, X.1, Lu, T.1, Shao, M#, Shi D.# (2021) Syne2b/Nesprin-2 Is Required for Actin Organization and Epithelial Integrity During Epiboly Movement in Zebrafish. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 17(9):671887.
Zhang, Y.1, Wang, Y., Yao, X., Wang, C., Chen, F., Liu, D., Shao, M.#, Xu, Z.# (2020) Rbm24a Is Necessary for Hair Cell Development Through Regulating mRNA Stability in Zebrafish. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 17(8):604026.
Li, J.1, Cheng, X.1, Zhang, C, Shi, D.#, Shao M.# (2021) The Adaptor Protein Lurap1 Is Required for Cell Cohesion during Epiboly Movement in Zebrafish. Biology (Basel) 10(12):1337.
Zhang, C.1, Li, J., Tarique, I., Zhang, Y., Lu, T., Wang, J., Chen, A., Wen, F., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y., Shao, M.# (2021) A Time-Saving Strategy to Generate Double Maternal Mutants by an Oocyte-Specific Conditional Knockout System in Zebrafish. Biology (Basel) 10(8):777.
Liu, Y.1, Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., Lin, S., Shi D., Shao M.# (2018) Highly efficient genome editing using oocyte-specific zcas9 transgenic zebrafish. J. Genet. Genomics. 45(9):509-512.
Cheng, X.1, Shao, M.#, Shi, D.# (2019) Collagen triple helix repeat containing 1a (Cthrc1a) regulates cell adhesion and migration during gastrulation in zebrafish. Exp Cell Res. 381(1):112-120.
Shao, M.1#, Cheng, X., Liu, Y., Li, J., Shi, D.# (2017) Transplantation of Zebrafish Cells by Conventional Pneumatic Microinjector. Zebrafish. 15 (1), 73-76.
Shao, M.1, Lin, Y., Liu, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, L., Liu, C., & Zhang, H.# (2012). GSK-3 activity is critical for the orientation of the cortical microtubules and the dorsoventral axis determination in zebrafish embryos. PLoS One, 7(5), e36655.
Zhang, Y.1,Shao, M.1, Wang, L., Liu, Z., Gao, M., Liu, C., & Zhang, H.# (2010). Ethanol exposure affects cell movement during gastrulation and induces split axes in zebrafish embryos. Int J Dev Neurosci, 28(4), 283-288.